Like a Hat for Your House

Like a Hat for Your House

Is Your Flat Roof Damaged? How To Know

Rodney Mckinney

One of the challenges that many business owners face is recognizing when their building's flat roof needs repairs. In fact, your building's roof may become an afterthought because you can't really see what's going on up there. That's why it's important to call for a roofing inspection periodically and even get up there yourself to spot signs of trouble. Here's a look at a few signs that you're in need of roofing repair.

Damaged And Failing Seams

For flat roofing systems that rely on a tar application to seal the seams, that's a vulnerable point that may need to be addressed later. This is especially true if you live in an area where the temperatures drop below freezing in the winter.

This cycle of freezing and thawing causes expansion and contraction of that tar seam filler and the roofing materials. Over time, the tar will crack, crumble, and fall away from the roof, leaving those seams exposed to moisture damage and all sorts of other penetration hazards. You'll want to have it addressed as soon as possible.

Blisters And Cracks

Your flat roof should be just that—flat. If it's showing visible bumps, blisters, and cracks, that's a cause for concern. In most cases, those symptoms are the result of moisture getting underneath the roofing surface. That moisture gets heated from the direct sun rays, causing the roofing material above it to blister, bubble, and crack. 

When you walk your roof to do a routine inspection, any signs of this kind of damage should alert you to the need for a roofing repair technician. The sooner you have these problems addressed, the longer your roof is likely to last.

Poor Drainage

Despite its name, a flat roof isn't actually perfectly flat. There's always a minimal grade to allow for water drainage and flow. There may also be a sub-surface drainage system to help keep water from sitting on top of the roof.

Remember that standing water on the roof can actually concentrate the sun's rays to the roofing material directly below that water. This is much the same phenomenon as a magnifying glass. Not to mention, the cold and hot temperature fluctuations can cause freezing and thawing, which will also damage the roof.

If your roof isn't draining the way that it should and you see water standing after storms, you should talk with a roofing contractor to determine the reason and address it.

Talk with a commercial roofing contractor near you, such as Austin Roofing & Waterproofing, for more information about flat roofing damage that you should be aware of.


2023© Like a Hat for Your House
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Like a Hat for Your House

There are so many different ways you can describe a roof. Some might describe roofs as hats for houses. This is a cute analogy, but it also makes sense. Hats keep your head dry, and roofs keep your house dry. Hats prevent sunshine from hitting your head directly. Roofs keep sunshine from hitting the attic space directly. Okay; no we have taken the roof and hat analogy as far as it needs to go. But we're not done writing about roofs just yet! We're going to keep writing articles about roofs and posting them right here for all to see.
