Like a Hat for Your House

Like a Hat for Your House

Industrial Flat Roofing: Leak Repairs

Rodney Mckinney

Industrial flat roofs are a popular choice for commercial and industrial buildings due to their durability, low maintenance, and long lifespan. However, over time, these roofs can develop leaks that can cause damage to the building and disrupt business operations.

Here are some strategies for repairing leaks in industrial flat roofing:

Finding and Assessing the Leak

If you have an industrial flat roof that is leaking, it's important to address the problem as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

  • Pinpointing the Leak: The first step in repairing a leak in an industrial flat roof is to identify the source of the problem. In some cases, the leak may be caused by a damaged or deteriorated roof membrane. In other cases, the leak may be caused by problems with the roof's flashing, drainage, or other components. It's important to work with a roofing professional who can accurately diagnose the problem and recommend an appropriate solution.

Membrane Repairs

If the leak is caused by a damaged or deteriorated roof membrane, it may be possible to repair the problem by patching the damaged area or applying a new layer of roofing material. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace the entire roof membrane. This is a complex process that should only be undertaken by a professional roofing contractor with experience in industrial flat roofing.

Flashing and Drainage

Many industrial flat roof leaks are caused by issues with the flashing and/or drainage.  

  • Flashing: Flashing is the material that seals the roof around chimneys, vents, and other roof penetrations. If the flashing is damaged or deteriorated, it can allow water to enter the building.
  • Drainage: Similarly, if the roof's drainage system is clogged or not functioning properly, water can pool on the roof and eventually find its way into the building. A roofing professional can inspect the roof's flashing and drainage system and make any necessary repairs.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential for preventing leaks in industrial flat roofs. It's important to have the roof inspected by a professional roofing contractor at least once a year to identify any potential problems before they become more serious. Routine maintenance can also help extend the lifespan of the roof, saving you money on costly repairs and replacements.

If you have a leak in your industrial flat roof, don't hesitate to contact a roofing professional to schedule an inspection and make any necessary repairs before the leak causes significant structural damage.

For more information about industrial flat roofing, contact a local company.


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Like a Hat for Your House

There are so many different ways you can describe a roof. Some might describe roofs as hats for houses. This is a cute analogy, but it also makes sense. Hats keep your head dry, and roofs keep your house dry. Hats prevent sunshine from hitting your head directly. Roofs keep sunshine from hitting the attic space directly. Okay; no we have taken the roof and hat analogy as far as it needs to go. But we're not done writing about roofs just yet! We're going to keep writing articles about roofs and posting them right here for all to see.
